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MC33908LAE Datasheet, PDF

  • Manufacturer model: MC33908LAE
  • Function description: System Basis Chip, CAN/LIN, 5V , 1.5A VCORE, QFP 48
  • Manufacturer: 恩智浦-NXP
  • Data sheet: -
  • Category: 汽车系统基础芯片

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  • Description The NXP® MC33908 system basis chip (SBC) provides power to MCUs and optimizes energy consumption through DC/DC switching regulators, linear regulators and ultra-low-power saving modes. Featuring: Advanced functional safety measures A serial peripheral interface (SPI) to allow control and diagnostics with the MCU Integration of CAN and LIN physical interfaces compliant with the ISO 11898-2,-5, LIN 2.2, 2.1/J2602-2 standards along with the latest automotive OEM standards for EMC and ESD A range of integrated safety features such as monitoring of critical analog parameters, a failsafe state machine and an advanced watchdog reduce software complexity with dual-core lock-step MCUs
  • Part No. MC33908LAE
  • Manufacturer 恩智浦-NXP

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