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MKW21D256VHA5R Datasheet, PDF

  • Manufacturer model: MKW21D256VHA5R
  • Function description: While existing customers can still order the part, NXP does not recommend the part be designed into new end products. No discontinuance decision has been made, and all minimum longevity commitments will be honored. When a decision is made, it will be communicated through NXP's product discontinuance process (e.g., with a discontinuance notification to existing customers).
  • Manufacturer: NXP
  • Data sheet: View address
  • Category: Arm ® Cortex ® -M4|Kinetis KW2xD 2.4 GHz 32-bit MCUs

MKW21D256VHA5R Alternate Parts

  • Description While existing customers can still order the part, NXP does not recommend the part be designed into new end products. No discontinuance decision has been made, and all minimum longevity commitments will be honored. When a decision is made, it will be communicated through NXP's product discontinuance process (e.g., with a discontinuance notification to existing customers).
  • Part No. MKW21D256VHA5R
  • Manufacturer NXP

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