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NFA50460R4B Datasheet, PDF

  • Manufacturer model: NFA50460R4B
  • Function description: 智能功率模块(IPM)
  • Manufacturer: 安森美-ON
  • Data sheet: -
  • Category: 智能功率模块

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  • Description NFA50460R4B is an advanced Motion SPM 5 Series based on FS4 RC−IGBT technology as a compact inverter solution for small power motor drive applications such as fans and pumps. Embedded six FS4 RC−IGBTs, three half−bridge gate drive HVICs with temperature sensing, and three bootstrap diodes in a compact package fully isolated and optimized for thermal performance. Major features are low Electro−magnetic Interference (EMI) characteristics through optimizing switching speed and reducing parasitic inductance. Since IGBTs are employed as power switches, it provides much more ruggedness and larger Safe Operating Area (SOA) than IGBT based power modules. Right solution for compact and reliable inverter designs where the assembly space is constrained.
  • Part No. NFA50460R4B
  • Manufacturer 安森美-ON

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