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R5F56318DDFC Datasheet, PDF

  • Manufacturer model: R5F56318DDFC
  • Function description: 32-bit Microcontrollers with Enhanced Security, Image Capture
  • Manufacturer: 瑞萨-Renesas
  • Data sheet: -
  • Category: 非ARM内核

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  • Description RX631 Group microcontrollers come in a comprehensive memory vs. package lineup to suit your system scale. In addition to standard functions such as 12-bit A/D converter, motor control timers, SCI, RSPI, I2C, CAN, and safety features, connectivity functions such as Ethernet and USB host have been enhanced. The lineup also includes products possessing specialized functions, such as sensing/image display using a CMOS camera, or security (hardware AES encryption). Products that support high-temperature (105°C) operation are also available.
  • Part No. R5F56318DDFC
  • Manufacturer 瑞萨-Renesas

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