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SKY73025-31 Datasheet, PDF

  • Manufacturer model: SKY73025-31
  • Function description: 2300-2700 MHz High Gain and Linearity Diversity Downconversion Mixer
  • Manufacturer: 思佳讯-Skyworks
  • Data sheet: -
  • Category: 射频上/下变频器

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  • Description The SKY73025 is a fully integrated diversity mixer that includes LO drivers, an LO switch, high linearity mixers, and large dynamic range IF amplifiers. Low loss RF baluns have also been included to reduce design complications and lower system cost.The SKY73025 features an input IP3 of +23.5 dBm and an NF of 9.8 dB, making the device an ideal solution for high dynamic range systems such as 2G/3G base station receivers. The LO switch provides more than 45 dB of isolation between LO inputs and supports the switching time required for GSM/EDGE base stations.Please note: SKY73025-31 is not recommended for new designs.
  • Part No. SKY73025-31
  • Manufacturer 思佳讯-Skyworks

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