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5P35021 Datasheet, PDF

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  • Description The 5P35021 is a VersaClock programmable clock generator and is designed for low power, consumer, and high performance PCI Express applications. The 5P35021 device is a three PLL architecture design, and each PLL is individually programmable and allowing for up to five unique frequency outputs. The 5P35021 has built-in unique features such as Proactive Power Saving (PPS), Performance-Power Balancing (PPB), Overshoot Reduction Technology (ORT) and Extreme Low Power DCO. An internal OTP memory allows the user to store the configuration in the device without programming after power up, then program the 5P35021 again through the I2C interface.
  • Part No. 5P35021
  • Manufacturer 瑞萨-Renesas

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