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74HCT4852D Datasheet, PDF

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74HCT4852D Part Attribute

  • Description The 74HC4852; 74HCT4852 are high-speed Si-gate CMOS devices and are specified in compliance with JEDEC standard no. 7A. The 74HC4852; 74HCT4852 are dual 4-channel analog multiplexers/demultiplexers with common select inputs (S0 and S1). Both multiplexers have a common active LOW enable input (E), four independent inputs/outputs (nY0 to nY3) and two common inputs/outputs (1Z, 2Z). The devices feature injection-current effect control, which has excellent value in automotive applications where voltages in excess of the supply voltage are common. With E LOW, two of the eight switches are selected (low impedance ON-state) by S0 and S1. With E HIGH, all switches are in the high-impedance OFF-state, independent of S0 and S1. The injection-current effect control allows signals at disabled analog input channels to exceed the supply voltage without affecting the signal of the enabled analog channel. This eliminates the need for external diode/resistor networks typically used to keep the analog channel signals within the supply-voltage range.
  • Part No. 74HCT4852D
  • Manufacturer 安世-Nexperia

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