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IL611A-3E Datasheet, PDF

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IL611A-3E Part Attribute

  • Description The IL611A-3E is a 3.3/5V, dual-channel, 10 Mbps isolated signal coupler with open-drain outputs which can be used to replace opto-couplers in many standard isolation functions. The devices are manufactured with NVE's IsoLoop spintronic GMR technology giving exceptional small size and low power dissipation. The passive input structure allows direct interface to a very wide range of voltage inputs. A single resistor is used to set maximum current for input voltages above 0.5 V. 20 kV/microsecond transient immunity. 8-pin MSOP package (the world's smallest packaged couplers).
  • Part No. IL611A-3E
  • Manufacturer NVE

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