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JANTX1N4571A Datasheet, PDF

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JANTX1N4571A Part Attribute

  • Description The popular 1N4565 thru 1N4584A-1 series of Zero-TC Reference Diodes provides a selection of both 6.4 V nominal voltages and temperature coefficients to as low as 0.0005%/oC for minimal voltage change with temperature. Four different operating currents are available for selection at 0.5 mA, 1.0 mA, 2.00 mA, and 4.00 mA. These glass axial-leaded DO-7 reference diodes are internal-metallurgical-bonded and are also available in JAN, JANTX, and JANTXV military qualifications. Microsemi also offers numerous other Zener Reference Diode products for a variety of other voltages up to 200 V.
  • Part No. JANTX1N4571A
  • Manufacturer 美高森美-Microsemi

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