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LM136-5.0QML Datasheet, PDF

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LM136-5.0QML Part Attribute

  • Description The LM136A-5.0QML/LM136-5.0QML integrated circuits are precision 5.0V shunt regulator diodes. These monolithic IC voltage references operate as a low temperature coefficient 5.0V zener with 0.6Ω dynamic impedance. A third terminal on the LM136-5.0 allows the reference voltage and temperature coefficient to be trimmed easily. The LM136-5.0 series is useful as a precision 5.0V low voltage reference for digital voltmeters, power supplies or op amp circuitry. The 5.0V makes it convenient to obtain a stable reference from low voltage supplies. Further, since the LM136-5.0 operates as a shunt regulator, it can be used as either a positive or negative voltage reference. The LM136A-5.0QML/LM136-5.0QML integrated circuits are precision 5.0V shunt regulator diodes. These monolithic IC voltage references operate as a low temperature coefficient 5.0V zener with 0.6Ω dynamic impedance. A third terminal on the LM136-5.0 allows the reference voltage and temperature coefficient to be trimmed easily. The LM136-5.0 series is useful as a precision 5.0V low voltage reference for digital voltmeters, power supplies or op amp circuitry. The 5.0V makes it convenient to obtain a stable reference from low voltage supplies. Further, since the LM136-5.0 operates as a shunt regulator, it can be used as either a positive or negative voltage reference.
  • Part No. LM136-5.0QML
  • Manufacturer 德州仪器-TI

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