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MAVR-000081-0287FT Datasheet, PDF

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MAVR-000081-0287FT Part Attribute

  • Description The MA4ST079 through MA4ST083 series of silicon hyperabrupt junction tuning varactors is produced with ion implantation and advanced epitaxial growth techniques. These diodes have thermal oxide passivation, and feature very high capacitance ratio and quality factor. They are well suited for use from the sub-HF through UHF frequency range. The standard capacitance tolerance is ±10%, with tighter tolerances available. Capacitance matching at one or more bias voltages is also available.These diodes are offered with standard Sn/Pb plating , as well as 100% matte Sn plating on our RoHs compliant equivalent devices. The MA4ST079 through MA4ST083 series of hyperabrupt junction tuning varactors is suggested for usage where a large frequency change is required with only a small change in tuning voltage. This series is appropriate for usage in wide band voltage controlled oscillators and voltage controlled filters which require the largest rate of change of capacitance with voltage. The large change in capacitance from 1 to 8 volts makes them very attractive for battery operated or other systems with limited available control voltage. The MA4ST079 through MA4ST083 family can be used in VCOs and VTFs from approximately 100 KHz through the UHF frequency band.
  • Part No. MAVR-000081-0287FT
  • Manufacturer MACOM

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