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MAVR-000350-11410T Datasheet, PDF

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MAVR-000350-11410T Part Attribute

  • Description The MA4ST300 series are ion-implanted, hyperabrupt junction, silicon tuning varactors in SC79, SC70 3LD, and SOD-323 surface mount packages. This series of varactors is designed for high capacitance ratio and low voltage operation. Each varactor type has a better than 3:1 capacitance ratio between 0.5V and 3.0V. The MA4ST300 series tuning varactors are useful for wide band tuning and low phase noise applications where the supply voltage is limited to 5 volts or less. These varactors have been specifically designed to cover wireless application bands up to the 2.4 GHz WLAN band. Applications include VCOs and voltage tuned filters.
  • Part No. MAVR-000350-11410T
  • Manufacturer MACOM

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