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MCP795W21 Datasheet, PDF

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  • Description The MCP795W21 SPI RTCC is highly integrated with memory and advanced features normally found in higher priced devices. By starting with a basic real-time clock, digital trimming was added for higher accuracy, a battery switchover for backup power, a timestamp to log power failures and three types of memory, which includes SRAM, EEPROM and a unique ID in a locked section of EEPROM. This ID is preprogrammed with a 48-bit MAC Address, but it can also be ordered blank for the end user to program. By adding a watchdog timer and two programmable event detect inputs, lower power and more system robustness can be achieved by performaing these functions in the RTCC and allowing the MCU to sleep for longer periods of time.
  • Part No. MCP795W21
  • Manufacturer 微芯-Microchip

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