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MIC5232 Datasheet, PDF

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MIC5232 Part Attribute

  • Description The MIC5232 is an ultra-low quiescent current, low-dropout linear regulator that is capable of operating from a single-cell lithium ion battery. Consuming only 1.8µA of quiescent current while operating, the MIC5232 is ideal for stand-by applications like powering real-time clocks or memory in battery-operated electronics. The MIC5232 is capable of providing 10mA of output current and has low output noise, providing a small, efficient solution ideal for any keep-alive application including reverse current protection, keeping reverse leakage (VOUT > VIN) down to 20nA. The MIC5232 is a µCap design, operating with very small ceramic output capacitors for stability, reducing required board space and component cost. The MIC5232 is available in SOT-23-5 package with an operating junction temperature range of -40°C to 125°C.
  • Part No. MIC5232
  • Manufacturer 微芯-Microchip

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