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MIC5319 Datasheet, PDF

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MIC5319 Part Attribute

  • Description The MIC5319 is a high-performance, 500mA LDO regulator, offering extremely high PSRR and very low noise while consuming low ground current. Ideal for battery-operated applications, the MIC5319 features 1% accuracy, extremely low-dropout voltage (200mV @ 500mA), and low ground current at light load (typically 90µA). Equipped with a logic-compatible enable pin, the MIC5319 can be put into a zero-off-mode current state, drawing no current when disabled. The MIC5319 is a µCap design operating with very small ceramic output capacitors for stability, thereby reducing required board space and component cost. The MIC5319 is available in fixed-output voltages and adjustable output voltages in thin SOT-23-5 package.
  • Part No. MIC5319
  • Manufacturer 微芯-Microchip

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