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NTPF190N65S3HF Datasheet, PDF

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NTPF190N65S3HF Part Attribute

  • Description SUPERFET III MOSFET is ON Semiconductor’s brand−new high voltage super−junction (SJ) MOSFET family that is utilizing charge balance technology for outstanding low on−resistance and lower gate charge performance. This advanced technology is tailored to minimize conduction loss, provide superior switching performance, and withstand extreme dv/dt rate. Consequently, SUPERFET III MOSFET is very suitable for the various power systems for miniaturization and higher efficiency. SUPERFET III FRFET MOSFET’s optimized reverse recovery performance of body diode can remove additional component and improve system reliability.
  • Part No. NTPF190N65S3HF
  • Manufacturer 安森美-ON

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