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PE71S6386 Datasheet, PDF

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PE71S6386 Part Attribute

  • Description Transfer Electromechanical Relay Failsafe Switch, DC to 12 GHz, up to 430W, 28V, TTL, N PE71S6386 electromechanical RF relay switch from Pasternack is a Transfer design. Our Transfer electromechanical RF switch uses type N connectors at 50 Ohm. This type N RF relay Transfer switch has a maximum frequency of 12 GHz and maximum power of 200 Watts. The Pasternack radio frequency Transfer N type electro-mechanical relay switch is rated at a control voltage of 28 Volts, indicator voltage and switching speed of 20ms. type N Transfer electro mechanical RF relay switch features TTL Logic with an isolation minimum of 60 dB. Transfer electromechanical relay radio frequency switch PE71S6386 is part of over 40,000 RF, microwave and millimeter wave components available from Pasternack. Our Transfer type N coaxial RF relay electromechanical switch can ship worldwide the same day that it is bought as with our other available RF parts.
  • Part No. PE71S6386
  • Manufacturer Pasternack

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