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Z85C3008PSG Datasheet, PDF

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Z85C3008PSG Part Attribute

  • Description The Z85C3008PSG is a Serial Communications Controller (SCC) with dual-channel, multiprotocol data communications peripheral that easily interfaces with CPU's with either multiplexed or non-multiplexed address/data buses. It is a pin and software compatible CMOS member of the SCC family introduced by Zilog in 1981. The advanced CMOS process offers lower power consumption, higher performance and superior noise immunity. The programming flexibility of the internal registers allows the SCC to be configured to various serial communications applications. The many on-chip features such as baud rate generators (BRG), digital phase locked loops (DPLL) and crystal oscillators reduce the need for an external logic. Additional features include a 10 x 19-bit status FIFO and 14-bit byte counter to support high speed SDLC transfers using DMA controllers.
  • Part No. Z85C3008PSG
  • Manufacturer Zilog

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